Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fill the Frame

My entry in the October Gardening Gone Wild Picture This contest. This is my interpretation of the theme: fill the frame. I've shown this photo before - it's of Bloedel Reserve, one of my all-time favorite places. Maybe I'm entering this photo because the place filled my heart.

This post was written by Jean McWeeney for my blog Dig, Grow, Compost, Blog. Copyright 2011. Please contact me for permission to copy, reproduce, scrape, etc.


  1. OH! I remember that mossy, photographer's dream wonderland. Good luck.

  2. I saw earlier photos of Bloedel reserve. It is beautifully lush. A lovely image.

  3. Hi There
    We live close to Bloedel and were actually there today! The reserve was vivid with the fall colors. Your photo is beautiful!

  4. You've captured a peaceful serene spot - beautiful!

  5. This photo evokes such feelings of peace and serenity. I remember seeing photos of Bloedel on several blogs this summer--what a beautiful place! Good luck in the contest!

  6. What a great shot at a great garden. Thanks for submitting one of the few genuine garden pictures to the GGW contest. While the photo is impeccably composed to include the house and tall trees I can not help but think the stream is the real story. The light area above the house draws my eye out of the woods. Great positioning of the stream coming out of the bottom.

  7. You filled the frame very well. Your picture in the previous post of Gulf Muhly filled another frame.

  8. Lovely and I am instantly transported to Seattle! gail

  9. VERY nice Mrs. McWeeney! And glad your back to posting again.

  10. Jean,

    I would say they look wonderful at your house. So wonderful. Love that last view too. I just want to breathe in the scent of all that vegetation.~~Dee


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