Above is the rose called 'Janet'. I've ranted a bit about this rose before and its floppy-headed nature. But right now it's redeeming itself by blooming like crazy (the second rose to bloom this season) and holding its blooms upright. So it's got a reprieve from the compost heap, at least for a while.
My more-than-busy life started a few weeks ago when I started attending the Louisiana Master Gardeners class. There's a lot of stuff to learn!

The last of my Texas bluebonnets...so sad. They were lovely while they lasted.
About 10 days ago I went to the Caroline Dorman Nature Preserve, a fabulous place in full springtime bloom that I want to blog about. But maybe I will next week...

My Madame Alfred Carriere climbing rose is still blooming away along with my Carnaby clematis (climbing up the rose trellis) and some white bearded iris. I can't wait for my standard Nanho Purple Butterfly Bush, Buddleia davidii ‘Nanho Purple’, to start blooming. That's it in the pot.

All the rest of my bearded irises are starting to bloom. This, along with some yellow ones, were brought from my old house. I don't know what kind they are since I bought them at the Zilker Garden Spring Fest (or whatever it was called) some time ago. The white irises that were here when we moved in, are also blooming.
The thing that has kept me most busy is that I started a new job at a garden center. I gotta tell ya, my bones are dog tired at the end of the day. Especially my feet! We never, ever sit down. And this time of year we're very busy unloading plants from trucks. I'm so tired I can't even make it to my yoga class anymore. I'm hoping I get used to this eventually.
There are a few more things blooming in my garden today: white Nicotiana, 'Fireworks' clematis in addition to 'Carnaby', a few Ox-eye Daisy (Leucanthenum vulgare) are starting to bloom, 'Cherokee Purple' tomato, ‘Million Bells Trailing Blue’ Calibrachoa, pansies and alyssum, dwarf pomegranate, Verbena bonariensis, 'Patrick’s Abutilon' (Abutilon hybridum), 'Temari Patio Red' verbena, 'Early' Jalepeno pepper, chives, one Wild Italian arugula plant, and'Homestead Pink' and 'Lanai Bright Pink' verbenas. Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day everyone! :-)
Working at a garden center is probably healthier for both body and mind than yoga. Your beautiful climbing rose looks to be reaching for the roof top. And....so glad that 'Janet' didn't end up on the compost heap. You sound busy but happy.
ReplyDeleteI could almost smell those roses.
ReplyDeleteI love your climber and the presence it commands! Good luck with the job...we all think it must be fun to be around the plants...but it's hard work, too! gail
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new job, Jean! Having worked at a nursery, I know what you mean about your feet. They'll toughen up eventually. Your Madame Alfred is just gorgeous ... wish mine would bloom like that! I have her on a split rail fence and I bet she'd prefer to climb high. Hmmm, wonder where I could move her to!
ReplyDeleteMadame Alfred Carriere is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHi Jean, boy, you made me tired just thinking about how busy you must be doing all of those things. You must be a good multitasker! When we were at the local nurseries this weekend, everyone and their uncle were there buying plants and mulch and other garden supplies. I have visited there many times and been the only customer. Imagine doing a whole year's worth of business in a couple of weekends and twiddling your thumbs the rest. It seems like a stressful way to make a living. Very similar to owning an ice cream shop. :-)
Hi Jean, your climbing rose is lovely! Wish I could find a place for one! I hope you will enjoy your new job. It will certainly keep you in shape! Have a wonderful day! Jan
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on enrolling in the MG class! I just finished last week, and have already enjoyed several volunteer opportunities. We were able to start participating in volunteer work while we were still in class. I'm glad, since it will be hard for me to get all my volunteer hours in during the gardening season.
ReplyDeleteThis will be my third season working at a local independent nursery. It is tiring, and each season it takes a few weeks to get used to the physical demands of the job. I always come home tired, sometimes a little sore, but I really enjoy it, it's good for staying in shape, and I learn something new nearly every day.
Your April blooms are wonderful Jean!