We've had some very strange weather here this summer. It's like we had August weather in June and June weather in August. The first six weeks of summer (as the weather guys determine summer - June through August) were blistering hot, triple digit temperatures and no rain. The last six weeks we've had rain, cool fronts, some dry air, and most recently, low temperatures in the 60's (or even high 50's!) and high temps in the 80's. Some plants that I normally see blooming in September are already blooming and some plants that shouldn't be doing anything at all are doing strange things. Let me take you on a tour.
The top photo is of my Wavy Leaf cactus. Normally it has blooms and new growth in the spring. But those two smaller pads are recent additions and notice the little bud on the left? It looks like the beginnings of a bloom to me!

Check out this Carnaby clematis. At this time of year it's barely hanging on. You can see all the brown, struggling vines behind this bloom. This bloom! It only blooms in the spring! Well, I guess I can't say that anymore.

Now here's something that should be doing its thing soon, Sweet Autumn Clematis. I think it's more or less on time.

Garlic chives start budding about now and come into their glory in September.

One thing I've started to realize about gardening here is that my peppers don't really do all that much until the end of the summer. Then in fall they really start growing. Above is my Poblano pepper plant. The peppers are never as huge or thick as the ones in the store. But I think they're cool looking nonetheless.

When I see my Autumn Joy Sedum start to bud out I know Fall is around the corner.

Ah, moonvine. Specifically ‘Giant White’ Moonflower. This vine has been growing and growing all summer and is finally starting to bloom. I hope to see some Sphinx Moths pollinating it so I sit outside in the strangely cool air in the evening. But so far, none. The Sphinx Moth comes from the dreaded hornworm, which I know was seen at some of my friends' homes. I never saw any here so I'm wondering if I'll see the moths. They're sometimes mistaken for hummingbirds because of their size.
Speaking of which, here's a little guy I managed to capture at my feeder. I'm wondering if he's the same one I rescued from one of my potted plants. One day recently I went to water my plant and heard this weird squeaking as I watered it. It took a few seconds before I realized there was a little hummingbird lying on it's back among the leaves. I picked it up and tried to warm it with my hands. I think it hit the window and then fell into the plant. I didn't have a lot of hope for him because he looked so sad. So I made a little nest for him, put a lamp right next to it to warm him, and placed him in my storeroom so the neighborhood cats wouldn't get him. A little while later he flopped around and flew out. He had a tiny little touch of ruby on his throat, that's why I'm wondering if this is him. I'll never know but I do hope he survived.

What a beautiful blog and lovely photos! Gorgeous Sedum, Moonflower, and Garlic Chives.
ReplyDeleteI agree, too. It's been a year for the record books. We are having another cool spell with predicted lows more like October than August. Less heat stress on plants but it's been very dry. Love those garlic chives. The flowers are so pretty on spinach pasta!
ReplyDeleteHi Jean, our weather was exactly the same. It was 107F in June and now, it's August, and we've had a lot of rain. Odd, and my plants think it is too. The perennials have done very well, but the veggies, not so much. I also wanted to write that your photos are lovely.~~Dee
ReplyDeleteThe weather has been strange everywhere. We just went thru a period of monsoon rains and August is usually a dry month. Night time temperatures are going to be in the 40's. Strange.
My Clematis just bloomed too. My Autumn Joy Sedum is blooming. I am located in Chicago and it has been very cool and raining. I am just getting a few rip tomatoes. I hope this doesn't mean we are in for a cold and nasty winter.
We've had the opposite of you as far as weather, cool all summer until now with a heat wave. We'll see how long it lasts. Oh, how I wish my sedum was as beautiful as yours......
ReplyDeleteI choose to believe that was "your" hummingbird coming back to let you know he's OK! I envy you those cooler night temperatures. A tiny cool front made it through here in the wee hours and for a few minutes this morning, I had a taste of fall.
ReplyDeleteIt has been a off summer here too... I love moonflower... delicious fragrance at night... and the flower is exquisite! That bit of green and crisp white... the unfurling... so lovely. Enjoy your blooms!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a strange summer here, too. The strangest thing growing here at the moment is that my crabapple trees are blooming again! How exciting to have been able to rescue the hummingbird! I can't imagine being able to get that close to one. I do hope that's your little guy at the feeder; you may have made a friend for life:)
ReplyDeleteOh the little hummer! My heart aches every time a bird hits the window. It happens more in spring when they are young and not so wise. I do hope it was your rescued fella! Your garden looks wonderful, even with those long absences. Our peppers come into their own in September too. High hopes this year.
Hey jean, It appears that Autumn is creeping into our gardens! It's a wonderfully sad time...Sweet Autumn Clematis is lovely in bloom and I do love Moonflower vine. I've never been able to capture a moth visiting Moonflower at night...have you?
ReplyDeleteBtw, I've had the best time looking at your Jan posts of your garden development~~gail
When it comes to the garden and weather, it's never boring. It seems as if all my peppers are ripening at once this year, and they all waited until the end of August.
ReplyDeleteIn Texas our weather is about the same. Now that it is cooling off, everything is starting to bloom more. But yours look great!
ReplyDeleteI love that photo of the clematis, it is absolutely beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't mind, I've tagged you for a meme over on my blog - no pressure to take part!