Thursday, May 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day for May 2014

'Indian Spring' hollyhock

Can it be Garden Bloggers Bloom Day already? And am I really writing a post for it (I usually forget or don't have time)? Yes, here's a short GBBD post for May. It's short because earlier this month I wrote a post catching up on what's blooming around my yard, and most of those plants are still blooming. But here are a few other plants that have recently put in a star turn. These 'Indian Spring' hollyhocks for one.

'Indian Spring' hollyhock in a deep pink

I like the hollyhocks that have single rather than double blooms. I think they have a more old-fashioned, cottage garden look. This variety, a freebie from Renee's Garden, is an antique strain. As you can see in the first photo, antique sometimes means the plants are not resistant to pests such as the leaf miner. I'll try to take care of that soon so I can hopefully get another set of blooms. (I'll pick off affected leaves and spray some neem oil as a preventative.)

'French Gold' bean blooms

A few of the veggies are trying to bloom. I say trying because most of my warm-weather veggies are struggling with this crazy spring weather (it's 41F as I write this!). But the green beans, or should I say yellow beans, are starting to bloom. I can't wait to try this haricot vert variety, also from Renee's Garden. Provided I can get to them first before the birds do!

'Red Cascade' miniature climbing rose

This crazy climbing rose - 'Red Cascade' - is due for a trimming back this year. First I have to let it bloom its heart out. As you can see, it has no trouble doing that.

View from back patio

A few other things I didn't show in my previous post include the stick verbena, flowering tobacco, and rose campion. The rose campion, those bright pops of magenta in the photo, was an experiment, so it was planted rather willy-nilly. Next year I will try to ensure they're planted in good spots.

Rose campion

Rose campion is really hard to photograph. In the shade it has a deep magenta color but wait for the sun and then it's neon magenta. I think the nicest thing about it, besides the fact that they need very little care, is its soft gray leaves.

'Monsieur Jules Elie' peony

Okay, I wrote about this peony, 'Monsieur Jules Elie', in my last post. But what a charmer it is this year. I still can't believe I've had almost a dozen blooms from it this year, its third year. I'm a proud momma.

You can see what else is blooming around the world today by visiting Carol's blog, May Dreams Gardens.

This post was written by Jean McWeeney for my blog Dig, Grow, Compost, Blog. Copyright 2014. Please contact me for permission to copy, reproduce, scrape, etc.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Spring has sprung and is almost done!


Well, where to begin? The months of March and April flew by, signifying a busy time for me. Naturally, since it was spring, there was lots to do in the garden. But I've been busy in other ways, not least of which is retiring from the corporate world (knock on wood)!! I've been busy trying to get back into shape, traveling a little, garden coaching, writing a few articles for Louisiana Gardener, helping to get the farmers market started for the season, purging things from the attic, and wondering in general how I managed to have a full-time job and still do all those same things (minus the getting in shape)!

'Painted Lady' sweet peas

Lots of things have been happening in my yard these couple months so I thought I'd catch you up on a few plants. I'm trying yet another new-to-me sweet pea this year, 'Painted Lady'. It's an old heirloom plant dating back to 1737. It's the first named sweet pea cultivar. It is not a floriferous or tall as others I've grown, but maybe it needs some more time.

One of the raised beds. It's filled mostly with cottage garden-type plants. White irises are on the left, 'Painted Lady' sweet pea is growing up the tuteur.

April Beauty daffodil, aka Twin Sisters

All the daffodils finished blooming some time ago but then all of a sudden April Beauty pops open some lovely yet diminutive blooms. I had totally forgotten I'd even planted them.

Gulf Coast penstemon

This penstemon is new for me this year. Seems to be a good bee attracting plant.

'Belinda's Dream' rose (with a yellow iris in the background)

It's now rose season, actually almost past the first flush of blooms here.

The garden on the side of the backyard with 'Belinda's Dream' rose (pink), Majesty rose (red), and yellow iris.

Unnamed yellow iris

I have too many of these yellow bearded iris. They're nice, but I want more variety (and a clear yellow one). I brought the original roots, blue and yellow ones, with me when we moved here nine years ago. For some reason the yellow ones are starting to predominate so I will be giving some of those away soon.

'Sombreuil' climbing rose

Unknown penstemon; any guesses?

This white penstemon with light purple stripes was supposed to be a scarlet penstemon. Hmm, not very scarlet. I got it at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center's plant sale last fall. I have another penstemon about to start blooming, maybe that's the scarlet one!

Yucca aloifolia ‘Purpurea’

This is the easiest and nicest yucca - purple yucca. I brought it back with me from the Garden Bloggers Fling in Seattle in 2011. I leave it out all winter and I barely remember to water it. Get one if you can.

Pure Blonde liriope

So what do you think about this liriope? Pure Blonde is supposed to have white leaves when cut back. Sure enough, at least for a little while. I have this in a little bit of shade so I think that's delaying the greening up. I will reserve judgement on this till I have it longer (this was a gift from Southern Living).

Some of my container veggies

Always experimenting, I've got some veggies going in pots. Peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and chard. They look pretty now but we'll see what summer will bring!

'Fireworks' clematis

Baptisia australis

Here's another plant I picked up at a blogger fling - Baptisia australis, a native with some fabulous color. I got this at the Asheville fling in 2012 and it finally decided to bloom this year. I can't wait for it to hit its "leap" stage next year (as in "sleep, creep, leap").

Little Women rose

I am also loving this rose, Little Women. It's only lightly fragrant but it is a real trooper with no diseases.

Little Women rose, white iris, 'Darcy Bussell' rose, and tada... 'Monsieur Jules Elie' peony

I saved the most exciting (to me) plant for last, 'Monsieur Jules Elie' peony, a peony that debuted in 1888. This is supposed to be one of the peonies that does well in the South. This is its third year (its "leap" year) and it has lots of buds. Of course, the fact that we had prolonged periods of cold this winter may explain why it's doing so well (most peonies need a period of chilling). But this has made me want to plant more of them. Oh my.

'Monsieur Jules Elie' peony

So that's a wrap of some of the latest goings on in my garden. Soon the poppies, larkspur, and daylilies will be blooming. I hope to blog about those before they're gone and summer has its stranglehold on us!

This post was written by Jean McWeeney for my blog Dig, Grow, Compost, Blog. Copyright 2014. Please contact me for permission to copy, reproduce, scrape, etc.